You Made Me feel Crazy
You made me feel crazy
Like somehow it wasn’t you but me
You made me feel crazy
Like somehow you couldn’t understand my language
You made me feel crazy
With that sense of superiority
You made me feel crazy
Like I’m the one that can’t communicate
But are you even listening to me?
You made me feel crazy
Yes, I’m a libra and indecisive
But you boxed me as that girl that’s “too sensitive”.
I cry and I cry and you can’t even offer me your shoulder or hold me tightly
You made me feel crazy
But somehow it wasn’t toxic
You hid your feelings till it was too late
Were you hiding? Afraid? ‘Cause it led us astray
I made plans just in case I had to break away.
You made me feel crazy
Like when you shut me out for 3 days to a week, and
somehow that was a healthy way to have an argument.
After I clearly expressed more than once that shutting me
out triggered all my worse thoughts.
But you made me feel crazy
Even though you couldn’t be accommodating with the person you say you love, “can’t live
without”. Yeah I know, I clean your dishes, cook you meals, wash your clothes and still find
time to live my life and make you feel like you’re special in my eyes.
But when I look at yours there’s no comfort
You need and need from me, to boost up your ego and I give and give cause I think I’ll
receive the same support but all I get is the same dialogue cut in half my way is right,
appropriate even, yours is impossible to reach.
You made me feel crazy
But now I know that someone will reach me where I’m setting my bar
And baby cat you were so short you could never have measured to this fine ah.
The unbearable lightness of being
Is this life where you don’t get to drag me down.
You made me feel crazy
But you were right with one fact:
Our standards are not a match
And you taught me that I can ask for more and deserve to be crazy and loved for it.
That’s it. And I breathe again knowing I don’t have to put up with your shit