This Connection
This connection is a disconnected motion
of everything I knew.
This connection interacts with my particles this way and that,
till they’re all in the right commotion
an emotion
so blissful I feel it surging in my body,
like the first flame igniting a hot coal.
I’m the holder of a magical secret,
but if I share it with you, It’ll lose it’s enchanting nature.
So I’d rather keep it to myself.
‘cause when I look at you I don’t see the bottom of a well but the magistral sky plane full of possibilities.
Like one of those James Webb Space Telescope images.
You know that’s rare.
I know that I can be me, and I’ll still find you there
with the tenderest gaze -
This connection is a disconnected motion
of everything I knew.
It moves in a direction which makes life’s treasures simple.
And nice.
Do you ever pause and consider how effortless that word is:
I’m so lucky.
And so are you.
‘Cause I vibrate to these resonances but I know you do too. Like a heat rush electrifying all the hairs rigid on your body.
This connection is a disconnected motion
of everything you knew,
it makes sense only to me and you.
for that I am grateful that our disconnected motion
make up a connection of everything, new.