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I, born out of a womb not ready
I, born out of a womb not ready
fatherless I climbed trees with a harness
unsupervised I learned to walk barefoot on broken glass
and hot coal. Since, a sulfureous cloud clouds the mind. Bless.
But I fought back. Broke brick walls. Ran fast.
Run far. Stayed up. Sleep hard.
And danced And danced And dance.
Only the smell of rotten eggs circles back. Leaving me scarred.
Reminding me I was born of a womb not ready. A trance
fist gripping my stomach constant like the moon.
The other ghosts in my skull fighting to rip my lungs out again and again. Relentlessly.
Deep full breaths are daily hiccups, my personal typhoon.
I, born out of a womb not ready stand tall and steady
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