I am curious about things.
I am a poet first, and a writer second. Reading and writing were my way of understanding people. I'm not much of a talker, but I will listen and I will understand. Writing is what I do to get there.
Younger, I was moved by the revolutionary writing of the Beatniks. I love music too, so I was fascinated by the combination the two produced.
Older, I fell deeply in love with the romantic period in literature. John Clare, Keats, Coleridge and Wordsworth all made me feel the words on the page.
I wanted to do the same thing.
Now I am always going back to T.S Eliott, Ezra Pound, Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson or Sylvia Plath.
I have a BA in Media Communication, with an emphasis in Journalism, and an MA in Psychology and in English Literature.
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